Main Office:
3604 Clarkston Rd.
Clarkston, Mi 48348
Ph: 248-595-9969   Fax: 248-814-0361


Have you felt excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance)? Difficulty controlling the worry? Or perhaps some of the following symptoms:

  • restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
  • being easily fatigued
  • difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
  • irritability
  • muscle tension
  • sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep)?

If you answered yes to some of these, you may be experiencing anxiety.

For some of us, anxiety is healthy and can motivate us to finish tasks or increase our focus. For others, however, anxiety can have the opposite effect leading to avoidance and inability to finish things. For some, it can interfere with getting into a car, interacting with others, or even leaving the house. One particular problem with the avoidance approach is that it never allows the individual to work past the fear and move onto a more enjoyable life.

Perhaps you have only recently noticed a change in your ability to function, or maybe you have been dealing with anxiety for as long as you can remember. Either way, our therapists are experienced in helping individuals cope with anxiety.

Call us today to schedule your appointment.